The Glenaire City Hall/Clubhouse is available for rental by Glenaire residents and non-residents. The cost is $75 for residents and $150 for non-residents (these are half day prices). You can find more information by clicking the “Clubhouse Rental” button. The interior of the building is a beautiful and comfortable place to hold meetings, family dinners or parties. In addition to serving as the City Office, the clubhouse also serves as a meeting and gathering place for both private and public functions. If you have any questions, please feel free to click the contact tab and send us an email or call at 816-792-4907.
Emergency Management – The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation planning, as well as coordination and support of response operations in an all-hazard approach to major emergencies and disasters. OEM monitors local conditions and stays in contact with response agencies and city leaders on potential or actual incidents. The office works cooperatively with other local, state and federal agencies to encourage coordination at all levels of response. OEM operates a Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) and a Citizen Ham Radio Operations Team. The Emergency Management Director is Randy More. His contact numbers is 816-792-2530.
Marshal Randy More coordinates the patrol services of the City’s part-time Sheriff’s deputies who are employed to patrol the City and issue citations for violations to City Ordinances. Marshal More is also responsible for follow-up on complaints made by residents regarding City Ordinance violations and acts as a liaison between the City and the Clay County Sheriff’s Department. His contact phone number is 816-792-2530.
A building permit is required on all new construction, any additions to the existing structures and some remodeling and updating projects. Alderwoman Debbie More is the contact person for a building permit. Her contact is moreblktan@yahoo.com; 816-617-2833. You can obtain a copy of the zoning ordinance from the City Clerk also.
Vehicles are licensed at a Missouri State License Office. Be sure to tell the clerk at the license bureau that you live in the City of Glenaire, not Liberty. The sales tax is significantly lower than Liberty sales tax. The sales tax for Glenaire residents is 5.125%. There are no city personal property taxes in Glenaire; only Clay County personal property tax.
Alderman Dale Marcell oversees the street and ditch maintenance. His contact number is 503-919-0328. The City hires a contractor each fall to provide winter snow removal. Each resident is responsible for keeping the culverts and ditches surrounding their property free of leaves and debris in order to maintain good drainage and to prevent damage to city streets and neighboring property.
Clay County Tax Assessor provides the primary service as the City’s Tax Collector. The Collector is responsible for responding to all requests for tax amounts assessed and/or due on Glenaire properties.
Alderman Robin Young handles matters pertaining to the City’s water and sewer services. she can be reached at 816-728-3169. The City’s water is provided by Public Water Supply District #2 located in Pleasant Valley and the City’s wastewater is managed by the City of Liberty. Water rates are set by Public Water Supply District #2 and the per thousand gallon rate for wastewater management is set by the City of Liberty.
The Glenaire Board of Aldermen sets a fixed rate sewer charge each January to collect the funds necessary for billing and funding of the maintenance and replacement reserves for the City’s sewer system.
Liberty Community Center located at 1600 S Withers Rd Liberty, MO 64068