Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2023

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:00PM, on, March 21, 2023, Alderpersons present in meeting were Howard, Riden, Marcell and Young. Also attending the meeting were Mayor Petty, Marshall Randy More and attorney attorney Allen Garner.  City Clerk Cathy Aceves was absent. Jane Shull and Phil Andreas with ClickIt Social from the community were present. 


Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderman Marcell. AYE: All Motion Carried


Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderman Marcell. AYE: All    Motion Carried


Jane Shull says Evelyn’s house across the street has all the kids living there again including 2 felons. Tyler was arrested last week from there. She informs us Michael P Mitchell is staying there and he’s a registered sex offender but knows he’s brought at least two firearms into the residence. Marshal More will let the deputy know.


Pending Complaints

207A Campbell- no complaints in several weeks, abated

New Complaints

407 Wherritt, mother living there caused an argument with family who lives in 406 Wherritt and was angry with the trash truck driver. Son of mother explains she has some bad days and not the correct medication to keep her pain free. No more incidents in the last several weeks.

319 Southbrook- dog lose, privacy fence was down so Marshal More gave them 5 days to fix it. Fence was not fixed, they have an upcoming court date.

402 Norton- dog lose, Marshal More gave them 5 days to fix their fence and it is now abated.

104 Johnson- complaint about building materials, car parts and several litter boxes along backside of house, enough to make their back deck lean cause hazard of it falling. Resident has since cleaned it up, nuisance abated

304 Campbell- RV parked in yard, Marshal More found out it was a family member that was parking their while out of the country. Family member has since returned and nuisance is abated.

Marcell had brought up wanting to add an emergency procedure in place. On the evening of February 28th, the board members were supposed to have a board meeting. At 6:30pm, the City Clerk alerted the Mayor there was a possible armed suspect across the street and had said the sheriff had been contacted. The Mayor called the board members to advise them there would be no meeting. The follow up from the occurrence was not communicated clearly. The board had spoken about placing protocols in the office on what to do when an emergency occurs. Marshal More will look into this. The security cameras are in place at the clubhouse but not functioning due to not being connected to Wi-Fi. Mayor Petty will see if Cathy has looked into this.


Sewer adjustment request for Anette Baker. Motioned for approval by Young, seconded by Marcell, aye.

The audit was performed by Kenny D Hales APA, PC. The Clerk was having trouble making copies for the board members so Attorney Garner will digitally scan it for everyone and send it out.

Mayor Petty reviewed her visit to Jefferson City for the MML Legislator conference and asked to be reimbursed for the conference and hotel fee of $288.05. Motion of approval by Young, seconded by Riden, aye.

Clay County will no longer issue Certificates of Occupancy, Riden has provided a copy for the City Clerk, and the city can now issue those following the final inspection done by Clay County.


Mayor Petty said Cathy Aceves almost completed with the electronic directory.

Cathy Clerk says the printer no longer supports the older version of Word7 on the city computer. Mayor Petty will have someone look at it.





Website Proposal

Phil Andreas with ClickIt Social provided a rough draft of the website for the board members. The Mayor had forwarded a Google Doc sheet with questions from ClickIt to the board members for input, Howard had asked for it to be forwarded again. Mr. Andreas suggests a good time to launch the live website is April 5th, right after the election. Mayor Petty will coordinate a time to get pictures taken of all the board members. It was also discussed to charge the customers a 3% fee if they book the clubhouse online by using a credit card. 

Johnson Road Bridge–

Marcell presented a slideshow to the board members about the two sources of funding the city has been approved for the Johnson Road bridge- the earmark funding and the STBG grant. He had three main questions to discuss with the board-

  1. Would the city like to pursue the larger of the two projects to include sidewalks with the bridge replacement and explore options to use both sources of funding? The board discussed and would like to look into the larger project further to help improve not only the bridge reconstruction, but the community.
  2. Can the board have the matching funds for the STBG grant readily available? Yes
  3. Can we get a volunteer to take the LPA training? Mayor Petty will take the training.

Projects to be Completed by Boy Scout’s
Boy Scout Troop 228 have met with Mayor Petty and Alderman Marcell to complete two projects within the city- beautification of the park and installing new street signs citywide. The two boy scouts will present their projects to the Eagle council and once approved, will set up a time to get started. Marcell will create an itemized list of materials needed for the street sign project and email the board for a price approval before next month’s meeting. Mayor Petty will reach out to obtain mulch for the city park project. A third boy scout reached out to Mayor Petty trying to obtain a project to become an Eagle scout and heard the clubhouse needed some painting done. The board discussed and thought it may be more ideal to have Alderman Riden complete that project. Mayor Petty and Riden will meet with the boy scout next Tuesday to discuss clubhouse and sign entrance beautification.

102 Adkins

102 Adkins- was letter sent out regarding permit follow up?

City Clerk

The board discussed doing a review with the City Clerk since she has taken on a full-time job. Mayor Petty will schedule this with her.

Adjourn Meeting


Motion: Young

2nd: Marcell

AYE: All

Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 18th DAY OF April, 2023.


Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2023

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:04PM, on, January 17, 2023, Alderpersons present in meeting were Howard, Riden, Marcell and Young. Also attending the meeting were Mayor Petty, Marshall Randy More, attorney Allen Garner and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. From the community Jane Shull, Debbie More, Phil Andreas and Connie Horrocks.


Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderman Riden. AYE: All Motion Carried


Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderman Riden. AYE: All    Motion Carried


Connie Horrocks of 209 Lake Ace came to address concerns of emergency equipment not knowing about Johnson Rd bridge being out.  Her husband had a medical emergency and they were detained due to the bridge being out.  She asked if we could put up a sign stating Lake Ave is accessible through Whitehall.  She also stated that the construction equipment from Den Ledford is leaving large ruts in her yard.  They have also blocked the road causing residents to wait to leave their homes.  The clerk will let responding departments know again that the bridge is closed.

Jane Shull came to check the status of 403 Norton.  Mayor Petty let her know that she left two voicemails today as well as an email.  In the email it is listed the ordinances that the property is breaking.

She also wanted to check on the status of a “3” way stop sign on Campbell and Norton.  She was informed that the street sign updates and repairs will be handled by the Boy Scouts. 

In regards to drainage concerns she wanted to know if we could request residents clean the leaves out of their ditches. And lastly, she was worried about people parking in their yards.  She would like the community looked at to see what ordinances are being broken.  We let her know we just got fully staffed and hope to address the issues.

Phil with Click it Social came to provide a presentation for our website to be rebuilt by his company.  I will address his presentation under Old Business later in the minutes.


Pending Complaints

200 Lake Ave- Deputy Johnson will look into finding contact information for property owner.  

403 Norton – As stated above Mayor Petty has attempted to contact them with no new information.

New Complaints

We were presented with a new contract from the Clay County Sherriff to address the increase in fuel.  Attorney Garner will review and advise the board on the next step.   


No New Business to discuss


Clerk has accepted a new position.  I will dedicate Tuesdays and Friday evening will be my dedicated days for the city.  I will continue to answer emails/phone calls.  The board will readdress in three months if the new agreement works for all parties.





Website Proposal

Mr. Andreas presented how our website looks to the community.  He addressed how people see our website on their cell phones compared to laptop.  He will develop a new site for us, keeping our old site up until it is completed. 

The building price is $3000.00.  This includes everything we will need to get a fully functional and beneficial website up and going.  There are three different tiers of maintenance after that.  Monthly which is $280 a month. This will offer ¾ hours a month of maintenance on the website. $280.00 quarterly, every three months the requires maintenance and updates are completed.  The third option is $125 an hour.  He thinks that it should take about a month to build and he will communicate with us continuously during the build of what he thinks we need. 

$3000.00 was allocated in our 2023 budget to have this build completed. Alderman Marcell motioned to move forward with having the website build contract sent to Attorney Garner. Alderwoman Young 2nd All in favor – Aye Motion carried. He will get a contract to Attorney Garner.

Johnson Road Bridge –

We received notification that we have been approved for STBG funding.  We are not required to have an RFP since it is under the amount of $750,000. We have continued to communicate with Lindsey Chaffin at Great River.  We should have the approval from STBG by the end of February. The ear marked funds from Sam Graves office were signed off by President Biden.  We have to have another board member be LBA certified.  Per Attorney Garner we should always have a back up board member certified.

Dean Ledford-

202 Lake Ave hopes to be completed in February.  Mr. Ledford let Mayor Petty know only projects to be completed are light fixates and wood floors.  We will look into minutes to see about issuing a new permit.   

Projects to be Completed by Mr. Bowers and Boy Scout’s
The Bowers contacted Mayor Petty about placement of cameras.  She let them know in the north corner of the main area, the kitchen pointed towards the back door and one covering the parking lot.

102 Adkins

Per Attorney Garner present him with all supporting documents and he will send the homeowner a letter.  He will also CC the prosecutor to get them included with intentions of moving towards a Court case.

409 Smiley

The board agrees she has to get the property surveyed; removed from Agenda until this is completed.

Adjourn Meeting


Motion: Young

2nd: Marcell

AYE: All

Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 21 DAY OF February, 2023.





Glenaire Board of Aldermen Zoom Meeting Minutes

December 20, 2022

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:02PM, on, December 15, 2022, Alderpersons present in Zoom meeting were Howard, Riden, Marcell and Young. Also attending the Zoom meeting were Mayor Petty, Marshall Randy More, attorney Allen Garner and City Clerk Cathy Aceves.


Alderman Marcell moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderwoman Howard. AYE: All Motion Carried


Alderman Riden moved to approve the agenda with a second by Marcell. AYE: All    Motion Carried


Meeting was held over Zoom, no public comments


Pending Complaints

200 Lake Ave- No movement Mayor Petty will look into

403 Norton – Mayor Petty will get ahold of them on the phone.  As of today it is unknown what there plans are.

Coyote in the park- has not been seen, no longer an issue  

New Complaints

Detective Chris Johnson is taking Deputy Doss’ place.


2023 Budget

Alderwoman Young motioned to approve Bill 443 Ordinance 442 enacting the City of Glenaire’s 2023 budget. Alderman Marcell 2nd Aye: All Motion carried

Website Proposal

Board feels that we need to see his work.  Mayor Petty will set up a time for a presentation.


Nothing to address at this time





Johnson Road Bridge –

We got STBG funding.  We have to come up with 20% and 1%(donation to STBG).  We will have to go through the bid process and select an engineering firm.

Dean Ledford-

202 Lake Ave looks exactly the same as last meeting.  His current building permit will expire in January.  Per Alderman Marcell the interior does look complete. 

Projects to be Completed by Mr. Bowers and Boy Scout’s
Mayor Petty will reach out to the Bowers after the 1st of the year. For the Boy Scout’s we would like (1) Street signs (2) Clubhouse maintenance (3) Park updates. Mayor Petty will draft a letter to get to the Scouts so that they can present a plan to their board.  

102 Adkins

Alderman Riden went to Planning & Zoning.  The building has to be anchored down.  Attorney Garner will get together with Aldermen Riden to draft a letter.

409 Smiley

The board agrees she has to get the property surveyed; attorney Garner suggest a letter a favorable sounding letter on what has to be done.  Attorney Garner will draft a letter for Alderman Riden to send.

Adjourn Meeting


Motion: Young

2nd: Marcell

AYE: All

Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 17 DAY OF January, 2023.




Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

March 26, 2024

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:04PM, on, March 26, 2024, Alderpersons present in
meeting were Young, Marcell and More. Also attending the meeting were Mayor Petty, Attorney
Garner, Marshall More and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. Alderwoman Howard were absent.
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Aldermen Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderwoman Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Brian Chadwick was present to observe the board meeting.
Pending Complaints
No pending complaints
New Complaints
No new complaints
Marshall More did let the board know that Extra Duty Solutions will be handling the Clay
County Sheriff’s that are working extra duty for the City. They will handle all of the payroll and
liability. There charge is $50 an hour and $5.00 is to the vendor for handling.
Clubhouse Repairs: interior painting, windows, kitchen floors, monthly clubhouse cleaning
The interior panting has been completed by DJ ASAP Painting, and he has been paid. The
PELLA quote we received from Liberty’s Roofing, did not include labor. The new quote for the
windows is $22,154.31. The representative from Liberty’s Roofing did address the information
that was incorrect from the previous quote. After he answered the questions from the Board,
Aldermen Marcel motioned to change the amount, of the previous bid to the correct amount.
Alderwoman provided a 2nd. AYE: All motion was carried to correct the amount from
$18,554.31 to $22,154.31. In regards to the kitchen floors, it was discussed that we receive bids
to have the floors refinished. The church member that has offered to do the work as a donation
will be offered to submit a bid. It will be up to them to submit a bill for the work if he does
complete the work. Mayor Petty did receive a quote for a new cleaner at the clubhouse. The
initial clean will be $300, with a monthly bill of $100.00. We will get additional quotes, post on
Facebook and mention it in our bi-monthly newsletter.
Floodplain Administrator – Attorney Garner read Bill 451. Alderwoman More moved to
approve Bill 451, with a second from Alderman Marcell. AYE: All Bill 451 is approved.
Picnic Date & Sponsors – Mayor Petty shared that North Plains Baptist Church would like to
sponsor our yearly city picnic. Mayor Petty is pretty confident that our sponsor from last year

will also sponsor the picnic this year. The picnic will be the 2nd weekend of September. We will
also extend an offer to residents to participate as sponsors this year.
Planting Day at the Clubhouse – Subject is tabled until later in the year.
MOW with Liberty – The clerk reported that the transition to doing MOW with Liberty has gone
very well. We will continue to work towards getting a replacement for the Clerk so that she just
handles the clerical portion.
2024 Election – The clerk shared that the she had not met the deadline for Election submissions
for the 2024 election. Per the supervisor at the Clay County Election Office and The Secertary of
State, the board can appoint Mr. Chadwick to the board for Alderwoman Howard’s position. They
can also appoint Aldermen Marcell to a one-year term.
Google Fiber – Mayor Petty and the city clerk met with the team at Google Fiber on 3/25/2024.
We will use the same fee schedule as the City of Liberty for their permit fee. That is $45 for
parcel impact and $200 per unit block.
Building Permits – Alderwoman More will work on reviewing the cost of surrounding area’s
permit fees. Once we approve the cost, the clerk will update the Building Permit form.
Johnson Rd Bridge – The last day to respond to the Environmental Study is 4/1/2024. The clerk
will double check for responses on 4/2/2024, and we will move forward with the process.
City wide sewer scope bids and communication with Liberty – No updates
Flooding on Adkins – Clerk to send letters to address provided by Aldermen Marcell
Adjourn Meeting:
Motion: Young
2nd: Marcell
AYE: All
Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF April, 2024.

Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

March 26, 2024

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:04PM, on, March 26, 2024, Alderpersons present in
meeting were Young, Marcell and More. Also attending the meeting were Mayor Petty, Attorney
Garner, Marshall More and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. Alderwoman Howard were absent.
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Aldermen Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderwoman Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Brian Chadwick was present to observe the board meeting.
Pending Complaints
No pending complaints
New Complaints
No new complaints
Marshall More did let the board know that Extra Duty Solutions will be handling the Clay
County Sheriff’s that are working extra duty for the City. They will handle all of the payroll and
liability. There charge is $50 an hour and $5.00 is to the vendor for handling.
Clubhouse Repairs: interior painting, windows, kitchen floors, monthly clubhouse cleaning
The interior panting has been completed by DJ ASAP Painting, and he has been paid. The
PELLA quote we received from Liberty’s Roofing, did not include labor. The new quote for the
windows is $22,154.31. The representative from Liberty’s Roofing did address the information
that was incorrect from the previous quote. After he answered the questions from the Board,
Aldermen Marcel motioned to change the amount, of the previous bid to the correct amount.
Alderwoman provided a 2nd. AYE: All motion was carried to correct the amount from
$18,554.31 to $22,154.31. In regards to the kitchen floors, it was discussed that we receive bids
to have the floors refinished. The church member that has offered to do the work as a donation
will be offered to submit a bid. It will be up to them to submit a bill for the work if he does
complete the work. Mayor Petty did receive a quote for a new cleaner at the clubhouse. The
initial clean will be $300, with a monthly bill of $100.00. We will get additional quotes, post on
Facebook and mention it in our bi-monthly newsletter.
Floodplain Administrator – Attorney Garner read Bill 451. Alderwoman More moved to
approve Bill 451, with a second from Alderman Marcell. AYE: All Bill 451 is approved.
Picnic Date & Sponsors – Mayor Petty shared that North Plains Baptist Church would like to
sponsor our yearly city picnic. Mayor Petty is pretty confident that our sponsor from last year

will also sponsor the picnic this year. The picnic will be the 2nd weekend of September. We will
also extend an offer to residents to participate as sponsors this year.
Planting Day at the Clubhouse – Subject is tabled until later in the year.
MOW with Liberty – The clerk reported that the transition to doing MOW with Liberty has gone
very well. We will continue to work towards getting a replacement for the Clerk so that she just
handles the clerical portion.
2024 Election – The clerk shared that the she had not met the deadline for Election submissions
for the 2024 election. Per the supervisor at the Clay County Election Office and The Secertary of
State, the board can appoint Mr. Chadwick to the board for Alderwoman Howard’s position. They
can also appoint Aldermen Marcell to a one-year term.
Google Fiber – Mayor Petty and the city clerk met with the team at Google Fiber on 3/25/2024.
We will use the same fee schedule as the City of Liberty for their permit fee. That is $45 for
parcel impact and $200 per unit block.
Building Permits – Alderwoman More will work on reviewing the cost of surrounding area’s
permit fees. Once we approve the cost, the clerk will update the Building Permit form.
Johnson Rd Bridge – The last day to respond to the Environmental Study is 4/1/2024. The clerk
will double check for responses on 4/2/2024, and we will move forward with the process.
City wide sewer scope bids and communication with Liberty – No updates
Flooding on Adkins – Clerk to send letters to address provided by Aldermen Marcell
Adjourn Meeting:
Motion: Young
2nd: Marcell
AYE: All
Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF April, 2024.

Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2024

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:05PM, on, May 21, 2024, Alderpersons present in
meeting were Young, Chadwick and More. Also attending the meeting were Mayor Petty,
Attorney Garner, Marshall More and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. Aldermen Marcell was absent for
the meeting. Present from the community was Kayla C., Paul and Tabita Biriescu and Iuessa
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Aldermen Chadwick. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderwoman More. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Mr. and Mrs. Biriescu were here to discuss the nuisance letter they received regarding their
chickens and rooster. It was determined that they can NOT have their rooster and the board will
table the portion pertaining to the number of chickens they can have.
Pending Complaints
No pending complaints
New Complaints
307 Campbell – please see public comments section pertaining to this complaint
2001 Liberty Dr. business equipment in driveway and yard – We will send the home owner a
reminder about our guidelines for in-home business within the city.
307 A Campbell Dr. – business equipment in driveway and yard – We will send the home owner
a reminder about our guidelines for in-home business within the city.
Erosion of yards of city residents near creek- Marshall More met with multiple departments
and it was determined that it is up to the homeowner to shore up their property against the
38 Sewer Adjustment for Gayle Copeland – sewer adjustments that pertain to incidents
outside of the homeowner’s control will be brought to the board of aldermen.
What to include in Agenda packet – no changes at this time

Clubhouse Repairs: windows and kitchen floors
Request an estimate from the Church parishioner that offered to work on the floors. Also replace
the entry rug, per Mayor Petty.

Building Permits – Debbie spoke in length with the Clay County Zoning and Planning
board. Will discuss further when entire board is present
Johnson Rd Bridge – Email handed out to board to review updates, copy provided below
Here’s an update on what we’ve completed this past month:
• Environmental
o Finalized and submitted HUD’s 8-Step Decision-Making Process for Executive Order 11988.
We’re awaiting HUD review.
o Began the Request for Environmental Review for MoDOT’s STBG funding
o Received National Hertiage Review Report (NHRR) back from Missouri Department of
Conservation (MDC)

• Utilities
o See attached coordination log. The main utility we’re still working on is Spire’s gas line.
• Cost Estimating
o Bridge Construction Total – $600,000
o Sidewalk Construction Total – $300,000
o Engineering/ROW/Utility Relocation – $210,000
o Total Project Costs – $1,110,000
o This puts us right on track with total project funding:
 Earmark – $500,000
 STBG – $512,000
 City Match – $102,400 (20% of STBG)
 Total – $1,114,400

We are now ready to submit the project narrative and line-item budget to HUD so that the City can begin to receive
reimbursements. I’ll get this to you by the end of the month and coordinate with you on if we can submit it or if it’ll
need to come from the City. We’ll also keep working through the Environmental Assessment (EA) items. Lastly,
we’ll get confirmation with Spire on relocation costs.
Lindsey Chaffin, PE, CFM
City wide sewer scope bids and communication with Liberty – No updates
Adjourn Meeting:
Motion: Young
2nd: More
AYE: All
Motion Carried


Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

June 18, 2024

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:01PM, on, May 21, 2024, Alderpersons present in
meeting were Young, Chadwick, Marcell and More. Also attending the meeting were Mayor
Petty, Attorney Garner, Marshall More, and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. Present from the
community was Dan Martin, Kelsha James, Jeremy James, April Richmond, Joe Richmond and
Danielle Dungen.
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Aldermen Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderwoman Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Dan Martin asked about filling a pothole in front of his mother’s home. The board said that is
Jeremy James wanted to get additional information about the complaint letter he received
pertaining to the business equipment on his property. They were concerned about the
seriousness of the letter since it mentioned 10 days and the Sheriff getting involved. The James’
family felt a call or heads up would have been more fitting, in place of the letter. Mayor Petty
explained we are willing to work with them and can come to a resolution. Mr. James’ has a few
ideas and will be working on how to alleviate the problem.
Joe Richmond would like to have the ordinance pertaining to in-home business reevaluated by
the board. He mentioned having a petition started by the Glenaire residents. Attorney Garner let
him know that the board is responsive to requests within the board meetings without a petition.
Mayor Petty mentioned the board is working through the process of going through ordinances.
Pending Complaints
307 Campbell – Chickens & rooster – Still working on reviewing and updating the ordinance.
2001 Liberty Dr. – Business equipment in yard – Working on getting a plan to work on the
307 A Campbell Dr. – Business equipment in yard – Received completed in-home business
form and are working on correcting the violation.
New Complaints
No new complaints
City Park – Responsibility of who is handling and overseeing the park – Mrs. Marcell is
interested in working on our park. She is welcome to attend the next board meeting and share
her ideas for improvements to the park.

Clerk’s Vacation – July 20-29th the clerk will be traveling to attend a celebration of life out of
State. Mayor Petty let the board know that it is on the calendar and will be OK.

Clubhouse Repairs: windows completed 6-13-2024 – Alderman Marcell asked for the board to
inspect the windows and trim for any touch ups needed. He did say that we need to have the
paint touched up around the frames on the outside.
Kitchen floors -request for estimate sent to Pastor Warren- parishioner is no longer part of their
Building Permits – Bill 452 Moratorium Ordinance on Building Permits approved. Clerk will
have it uploaded onto our website to let the community know.
Johnson Rd Bridge – 10 Tribal Consultation Letters drafted and to be signed by the mayor.
Aspire Gas and Evergy utility relocation updates.
City wide sewer scope bids and communication with Liberty – No updates, attorney Garner
has reached out to the new city attorney for Liberty.
Progress of IRIS program – Mayor Petty let the board know she is in talk with multiple people
to try to get a transportation service for our residents. She will keep us updated.
The Board will meet on July 9th for a midyear budget review.
Adjourn Meeting:
Motion: Marcell
2nd: Young
AYE: All
Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 16th DAY OF July, 2024.

Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2024

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:01PM, on, July 16, 2024, Alderpersons present in
meeting were Young, Chadwick, Marcell and More. Also attending the meeting were Mayor
Petty, Attorney Garner, Marshall More, and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. Present from the
community was Bill Morten, Sam and Lori Elliott, Judy Marcell and Kelsha James.
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Aldermen Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderwoman Marcell. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Bill Morton was inquiring about building a shed on the property that he owns in Glenaire. He is
a Liberty resident; however, he did buy a small piece of land in Glenaire a few years back.
Attorney Garner informed him to bring a google map view of the property and the board can
Sam and Lori Elliott wanted to inform us of a nuisance with multiple neighbors and their
barking dogs. They have had to recently build a fence around their back yard to keep their dog
safe, as it was attacked by their neighbors’ dogs. There is a total of six dogs that are constantly
fighting through their fences and it affects how they can enjoy their yard.
Judy Marcell was here to discuss the city park.
Kelsha James was here to update the board on the process of their property and business

Pending Complaints
307 Campbell – Mayor Petty will look into revising the ordinance pertaining to chickens/fowl.
Marshall More did say that pigs are not allowed inside the city limits.
2001 Liberty Dr. – Business equipment in yard – Still working on finding a location that is
affordable and practical. They will keep us updated as they have information. They have turned
in their in home business license.
307 A Campbell Dr. – Business equipment in yard – Mayor Petty will look into.
New Complaints
116 Johnson Rd – Overgrown grass and weeds – The front is not too bad, but the back could use
some cleanup. We will continue to review.
Emergency Preparedness – Marshall More went over the Community Emergency Response
Team (CERT) with the board. We will have an informational meeting on August 15th at 6:30 to
get all of the details and decide how we will move forward.

Nothing to Report
Building Permits –Alderwoman More shared with the board the new Building permit handbook
we received earlier this month. The IRC 2018, is the same code book that Clay County uses for
their inspections and guidelines. She motioned to start the process of Glenaire following the
same guidelines, which will take place in 90 days. With Alderman Marcell 2nd this motion.
AYE: All the motion carried to start following the guidelines of IRC 2018. The discussion of a
cost increase for permits took place, as the city determined we’re not always collecting what we
end up owing Clay County for the inspections. An ordinance will be ready by the August board
Johnson Rd Bridge – The public comment report will be done at the end of July. At the end of
July Lindsey will be able to discuss with us any additional updates.
City wide sewer scope bids and communication with Liberty – Attorney Garner sent a follow
up email to Liberty’s city attorney. He asked for a meeting to verify Liberty may still be
interested in this avenue as the board of aldermen is investigating hiring an engineering study of
the system
Progress of IRIS program – Mayor Petty would like this line changed to transportation options
as we are looking at other avenues other than just IRIS. She is also looking into the Liberty
Access Bus, and she will keep us updated.
City Park – Mrs. Marcell had wanted to inquire about placing some park benches in the park,
however it is not as shaded as she thought it was but will continue to investigate to see if this is a
good option for the park.

Adjourn Meeting:
Motion: Marcell
2nd: Young
AYE: All
Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 20th DAY OF August, 2024.

Glenaire Board of Aldermen Meeting Minutes

August 20, 2024

Mayor Petty called the meeting to order at 7:00PM, on, August 20, 2024, Alderpersons present
in meeting were Young, Chadwick, and More. Also attending the meeting were Mayor Petty,
Marshall More, and City Clerk Cathy Aceves. Present from the community was Bill Morten.
Absent from the meeting was Alderman Marcell and Attorney Garner
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderman Chadwick. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Alderwoman Young moved to approve the agenda with a second by Alderman Chadwick. AYE:
All Motion Carried
Bill Morton brought the requested documentation Attorney Garner had requested at the July
meeting. The city clerk will deliver the documents to attorney Garner.

Pending Complaints
2001 Liberty Dr. – Business equipment in yard – Marshall More gave the family an extension in
order to find a spot to store their equipment. We will revisit this complaint in four months.
116 Johnson Rd – Overgrown grass and weeds – Clerk will send another letter to clarify ALL
of the yard needs to be mowed.
New Complaints
Aggressive dog on Southbrook – The Sheriff was called to address this issue, nuisance abated
MML Conference – September 15-18 Branson, Missouri. MML Conference reimbursement of
$550. Hotel will be $507 + tax Alderwoman Young motioned to approve the cost of the
conference and hotel for the 2024 MML conference, with a second from Alderman Chadwick
AYE: All motion carried
LookNorth EDC luncheon – September 13th – cost of $70 Alderwoman Young motioned to
approve the cost of the LookNorth EDC luncheon, with a second from Alderman Chadwick
AYE: All motion carried

Odinance overriding Ord. No.124 § 5 5/26/1986 – Alderwoman motioned to approve
Ordinance 452 Bill 453 amending section 3.3 number of cats, dogs and chickens allowed per
dwelling of the code of the city of Glenaire Missouri with a second from Alderman Chadwick
AYE: All motion carried

Increase in QuickBooks Online – Cost will go up to $235.00 on 8/29/2024
Office Hours –Changing Tuesday office hours to Wednesday during school football season
Building Permits – Alderwoman Young motioned to approve Bill 454 Ordinance 453 an
ordinance extending a temporary moratorium on building applications, inspections and permits
in the city of Glenaire with a second from Alderman Chadwick AYE: All motion carried
The board and attorney are working on the updates with the new building code ordinance. All
revisions will be reviewed by attorney Garner and hopefully enacted at the next board meeting.
Johnson Rd Bridge – Alderman Marcell emailed the board pertaining to the progress of the
bridge. It is moving forward and he will update us at the next board meeting.
City wide sewer scope bids and communication with Liberty – No update at the time
Progress in community transportation options – Mayor Petty is still working towards getting
the community
City Park – No update at the time

Adjourn Meeting:
Motion: Young
2nd: Chadwick
AYE: All
Motion Carried

APPROVED THIS 26th DAY OF September, 2024.